NTR District Collector Dr S Dilli Rao has directed the officers concerned to take steps to complete works of 16,347 houses so that the housewarming celebrations can be conducted on the auspicious occasion of ‘Ugadi’ on March 22. As of now, construction of more than 8,620 houses has been completed and the remaining 7,727 houses should be completed by March 22, including 2,021 houses that are in the final stage, he said.
Dilli Rao conducted a video conference on the work progress of the Jagananna Housing, Manabadi Nadu-Nedu, and Jaganannaku Chebudam projects along with Joint Collector S Nupur Ajay Kumar and District Revenue Officer K Mohan Kumar from the collectorate hall in Vijayawada on Wednesday.
He said that the State government and the State Housing Corporation would organise housewarming ceremony on Ugadi. All department officials should coordinate with one another and take steps to achieve the target, he added.
Further, he said more than 7,727 houses should be completed for conducting the housewarming function. Of that, 2,021 houses are in the final stage, 3,139 are in the roof-level stage, and 2,567 are in the roof-casting stage, he said. Housing, Panchayat Raj and Rural Development officials should pay special focus on the roof-casting houses, and speak with the beneficiaries for early completion of the works, he said.
He gave directives to the Vijayawada Municipal Corporation (VMC) officials regarding the urban layouts and steps for completing the house works which are yet to be started. They should bring about 500 houses to roof-casting from roof-level stage, he suggested. If they fail to reach the target, all mandal special officers, municipal commissioners, MPDOs and Housing AEE’s teams will be responsible, he warned.
Meanwhile, he inspected the additional classrooms, compound walls, toilets and other infrastructure facilities built in government schools under the Manabadi Nadu-Nedu scheme. He also conducted a review meeting on AP Seva Services’ petitions, Spandana petitions and other issues.
Housing Project Director Sri Devi, DEE Ravikanth, Collectorate Land wing Superintendent M Durga Prasad, mandal special officers, MPDOs and engineering officers were present.