Written and directed by Palaash Muchhal (Ardh), Kaam Chalu Hai presents a heartbreaking story, starring Rajpal Yadav, Gia Manek, and Kurangi Nagraj in the lead roles. Produced by Baseline Ventures under the banner of Baseline Studios and Pal Music and Films, the film is a thought-provoking drama shedding light on the tragic reality of road accidents caused by the deadly potholes prevalent across the country.
It is based on the true story of Manoj Patil, a father who sets an example by channelising his pain into a revolutionary movement. His small, happy world consists of his daughter Gudiya and wife Radha. Fulfilling his daughter’s dream to become a cricketer is his mission in life. His hopes get wings as Gudiya gets selected for a cricket tournament. But his life takes a tragic turn when not only Gudiya’s dreams, but her life gets shattered too in a devastating accident due to an irresponsible fault of the administration. How Manoj deals with his daughter passing away is a unique and inspirational story. He turns the mourning into a mission and does something exceptional to protect another daughter from dying the same death as Gudiya.
Rajpal Yadav’s Kaam Chalu Hai will premiere on April 19
Furthermore, Kaam Chalu Hai has been selected to be included among the films to be promoted by IMPPA (the Indian Motion Picture Producers’ Association) at the prestigious Cannes Film Festival 2024.