The Cabinet will be expanded only after the Maharashtra Assembly elections, Chief Minister Revanth Reddy said. There are no differences between the AICC and me, the CM added. “Some people are spreading lies to confuse Congress activists. In Telangana, the AICC and I are one,” he said.
The Chief Minister said they have taken a decision regarding the Musi Project and there is no question of going back.
“We think a thousand times before taking a decision and there is no going back after that. The foundation stone for the Musi Project will be laid on November 1. Work will start at the Bapu Ghat first. Tenders will be invited in November. We are ready to discuss the project with the opposition. All-party meetings will be convened soon,” the CM said.
During a chit-chat with journalists on Tuesday at the secretariat, the CM said
that BRS leaders should express their objections to the Musi Project. BRS leaders can meet Ministers and officials if they want to, the CM said.
“We will develop the area 21 km from the Bhapu Ghat. Water will be pumped from Mallanna Sagar to the Musi. Tenders will be invited to pump Godavari water from Mallanna Sagar to Musi in November. We will send city public representatives to study the Musi Project and city MLAs and councillors to Seoul. I raised the curtains to discuss the Musi Project. People became aware of the Musi Project through the discussion. The project will lead to the development of tourism also,” he said.
The CM said the compensation package for those who give up land for the Musi project will satisfy them 100 per cent.
“The government will not take over lands by force. There is a meaning if NGOs oppose the Musi Project. No one understands why the BRS which was in power for 10 years is opposing the Musi Project. KTR thinks that he is a world-class intellectual. KTR should reveal his ideas regarding the Musi,” the CM said.
The CM said that he is seeking advice from KTR on the project. KTR, Harish Rao and Eatala should send their proposals to the government, he said.
“I am a football player. I am clear regarding my game plan. A wonderful city will emerge if the Musi Project is executed,” the CM said.