Crime thriller series, “Personal Trainer” is all set to release on 23rd January on Hungama OTT platform. The series is set against the backdrop of Mumbai’s elite gym culture, this gripping tale explores ambition, love, and the dangerous pursuit of physical perfection. At the heart of the story is Neha Dharamrajan, a married woman, played by Tinaa Dattaa, whose illicit affair with her personal trainer, Anish, essayed by Gulshan Nain, sets off a chilling chain of events that culminates in Anish’s mysterious murder. As secrets unravel and the gym community’s hidden motives surface, the search for Anish’s killer intensifies, leaving everyone under suspicion. Tinaa’s commanding portrayal of Neha, who navigates betrayal and turmoil with resilience and strength, drives the show’s emotional core.
Renowned for her dedication to fitness, Tinaa reveals how her disciplined lifestyle helped her deliver a compelling performance in the series. She shares, “There’s a scene where I perform a headstand, and I was proud to pull it off on my own. My passion for health and wellness allowed me to bring authenticity to Neha’s character. It’s not every day that you get to combine your personal interests with such a meaty role.”
Talking about her experience working on the show and sharing insights about her character, she adds, “Neha is a grey character, and it was exciting to portray someone complex with both strengths and flaws. Besides bringing a promising character to life, it was fantastic to work with such a talented cast. Each one of them brought something unique to the table, motivating me to push my limits as an actor. We also formed a great bond on set, and the camaraderie was evident in every scene. I can’t wait for viewers to witness this thrilling drama unfold on Hungama.”
With stellar performances by Tinaa Dattaa, Gulshan Nain, and Sahib Tagra, among other actors, along with a pulse-pounding premise, Personal Trainer promises suspense, drama, and a whole lot of unexpected twists that will keep viewers guessing until the very end.