Thursday, March 13, 2025

A guide to feeding your infants and toddlers effectively

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A newborn needs constant attention to his/her feeding. A child’s nutrition after leaving the womb depends entirely on the mother’s milk for the initial 6 months. The first 1000 days of life (including 9 months spent inside the mother’s womb) is a very crucial period for the development of a child’s brain.Optimum nutrition during this period contributes to a baby’s overall development, including physical health and immunity, in addition to having nutritional value. In this section, we shall discuss some important information regarding when and how to feed a newborn.

Dr Suresh Kumar Panuganti, Lead Consultant-Pediatric Critical Care and Pediatrics, Yashoda Hospitals, Hyderabad shares some tips to feed your infants and toddlers.
 Colostrum is the fluid that is secreted from the mother’s breast in the first few days following childbirth. It is often thick and golden yellow in colour. Your infant will only require a modest amount—roughly a teaspoonful—at each feeding because it is a very concentrated diet and it contains everything that a newborn requires. Breast milk is the only source of nutrients your infant needs for the first six months. Complementary feeding should be initiated after the completion of 6 months preferably with home-based food.

Make sure to feed your kid an iron-rich diet to meet the requirements of the growing brain.
Early nursing is best done with the cross-cradle hold. Take a seat with your back straight on a cosy chair with armrests or you can use a feeding pillow. Tummy to tummy, bring your infant across the front of your body. Hold your infant in the crook of your opposite arm, using your left arm for your right breast and your right arm for your left. If you had a difficult delivery, a caesarean, or are breastfeeding in the middle of the night, lying on your side is a beneficial position. Use your free arm to support and direct your baby’s head to your breast while tucking the arm you’e lying on under your head or pillow to prevent the pillow from changing your baby’s position. Your infant can lie across you and away from your incision if you underwent a caesarean section. Make sure you are standing straight so you can see your child’s eyes. Support your infant while guiding him or her gently to your nipple. Take a look at this video about relaxed nursing for more details.

The majority of infants require eight to twelve feedings each day or roughly one every two to three hours. Watch for early indications of hunger. Sucking on fists and fingers, putting the hands to the mouth, and lip-smacking are all warning signs. Later signals include fussing and weeping. Your baby may be full or just taking a break when he or she stops sucking, closes their mouth, or turns away from the bottle or nipple.Try burping your infant or giving him or her a minute to calm down before trying the bottle or breast again.

Your baby won’t consume exactly the same quantity every day. Your newborn may consume more at each feeding during growth spurts, which typically occur two to three weeks after birth, or request more frequent feedings. Instead of strictly monitoring the time, react to the first signals of hunger. Although you might be concerned that your baby isn’t eating enough, babies typically know just how much they require. Don’t concentrate on the quantity, frequency, or regularity of your newborn’s meals. Check instead for persistent weight gain, satisfaction in between meals, and at least six wet diapers and three or more bowel motions per day by the fifth day after birth.

If your baby isn’t gaining weight, only dries fewer than six diapers per day, or doesn’t seem to be interested in feedings, see a doctor.It is important that you use a soft voice when speaking. Build your newborn’s sense of security, trust, and comfort during each feeding. If your baby will be fed by other family members or caregivers on occasion, be sure they follow the same feeding schedule and techniques as you do. Most kids don’t require infant formula after the age of one for proper nutrition, but you’re free to breastfeed for as long as you and your baby like. If the baby hasn’t already stopped using the bottle, now is the moment. Children can drink fortified soy drinks or full-fat cow’s milk from a sippy cup.

Toddlers typically eat infrequently. They can be picky eaters because of illnesses, difficult teething, and growth spurts. Additionally, they are generally fascinated by their environment and their newly discovered physical capabilities.Toddlers frequently show less interest in eating than they do in lifting themselves to a standing posture or learning a new word. There is no doubt that young children eat when they are hungry. If you find your kid a fussy eater, involve him in choosing the food items to be prepared by having a food calender and also involved in the preparation of the food itself. You can make the food interesting by adding vegetables to the food to make it colourful.Follow family time during dinner which should be screen-free time.

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