Chief Minister N Chandrababu Naidu on Tuesday announced plans to transform the Kuppam Assembly segment into a model for organic farming in the country. He assured that efforts would be made to achieve 100 per cent organic farming across the State in the next five years.
The Chief Minister remarked that just as medicines are now customised for individual needs, the day is not far when food too will be tailored to personal preferences, starting with Kuppam. Releasing the Kuppam Organic Farming Vision-2029, Naidu stressed the need to develop a farming system that safeguards public health.
He expressed confidence that the entire nation would eventually consume only organic food. Interacting with farmers at Srigalapalli, Naidu inquired about their farming practices and highlighted that agriculture would soon transform into a form of pharmacy where food itself serves as medicine.
Naidu noted that those consuming organically grown food rarely need medical visits, pointing out that previous generations stayed healthier by eating natural produce. He mentioned organising a 10-day conference with renowned natural farmer Palekar and several organisations to promote awareness of natural farming.
He also mentioned the gradual revival of traditional farming practices and noted that some individuals find greater satisfaction in organic farming than regular employment. The Chief Minister assured that an ecosystem would be developed to prevent misleading claims about the organic nature of food products.
Naidu further revealed that the National Dairy Development Board plans to establish two units in Kuppam — one for dairy and the other for vegetables and fruits — which will create employment opportunities for the local youth. He asserted that with initiatives like green energy production, waste management, and organic farming, the need for hospital visits could be significantly reduced.
Describing Kuppam as an ideal location for commercial crops, Naidu expressed optimism that the promotion of organic farming would ensure a prosperous future for the area with excellent marketing facilities.