Hero Karthi’s film Sardar has been a blockbuster hit in both Tamil and Telugu. Recently, the regular shooting of Sardar 2 commenced on a grand set in Chennai. Directed by PS Mithran, who also directed the prequel, Sardar 2 is being produced by Prince Pictures on a grand scale. In this film, Malavika Mohanan stars as the female lead and SJ Surya plays a powerful role.
The makers have recently shared another exciting update. In Sardar 2, the dazzling beauty Ashika Ranganath will appear as another female lead. The makers welcomed Ashika Ranganath to the project while sending her birthday wishes.
Sardar 2 is set to be a high-budget film with a huge scale. The top technicians are working on this movie.
Yuvan Shankar Raja will provide the music for Sardar 2. The cinematography is handled by George C. Williams, with Dilip Subbarayan as the stunt director. Rajeev Nambiar is the production designer. Vijay Velukutty is the editor, and AP Paul Pandi is the production executive. E. Venkatesh is the co-producer, and S. Lakshman Kumar is the producer.