Chief Minister Chandrababu Naidu announced in the Andhra Pradesh Legislative Assembly that the Bhogapuram International Airport will be named after the renowned freedom fighter Alluri Seetharama Raju. The resolution for this decision was proposed by Investment and Infrastructure Minister BC Janardhan Reddy, and it was unanimously approved by the Legislative Assembly.
In his statement, CM Naidu praised Alluri Seetharama Raju for his valiant struggle for the rights of tribal people and his relentless fight against British rule. He highlighted how Alluri led attacks on British police stations at Chintagondi, Krishnadevi Peta, and Rajavommangi as part of his resistance. Naidu also recalled how Prime Minister Narendra Modi had unveiled a bronze statue of Alluri Seetharama Raju on the occasion of his 125th birth anniversary, recognising him as a hero and freedom fighter.
Naidu stressed the importance of remembering and honouring such national heroes who fought for the country’s independence. He also expressed frustration over the prolonged delay in the completion of the Bhogapuram Airport, which has been pending for the last five years.
The CM further mentioned that the Legislative Assembly had resolved not only to name the airport after Alluri Seetharama Raju but also to establish a memorial museum in his honour. He expressed hope that a statue of the revolutionary hero would be erected in Parliament, and if required, a formal resolution would be sent to the Centre for approval.