Konda Sangeetha Reddy, BJP Lok Sabha candidate from Chevella constituency Konda Visveshwar Reddy’s wife, has been actively campaigning for her husband’s victory in the Chevella Lok Sabha constituency by organising a series of rallies at several gated communities in Madhapur, Serilingampally Assembly segments.
Sangeetha Reddy addressed meetings emphasising her husband’s accessibility and commitment to addressing people’s concerns. She added that Visveshwar Reddy is easily accessible to people and works actively to address their problems. She expressed optimism that victory of her husband in Chevella would go a long way in solving the problem being faced by people in the constituency.
Sangeetha Reddy urged the public to consider May 13 not merely as a holiday but as a crucial day to exercise their voting rights. She called upon everyone to actively participate in the democratic process by casting their votes in support of the Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP) and Konda Expressing her faith in Narendra Modi’s leadership, Sangeetha Reddy criticised the Congress party for failing to deliver on its promises despite coming to power with six guarantees. She reiterated the need for a strong BJP presence to ensure the country’s growth and development.