Minister for Finance T Harish Rao on Wednesday reiterated that the Bharat Rashtra Samithi (BRS) government would buy the last grain of paddy produced in the State. Even rain-soaked produce too would be procured at the same price as the normal paddy, he told the farmers, while inspecting the paddy that was drenched in the recent downpour at the cotton market yard here.
While advising the farmers, who lost their crops in the recent rains, not to get disheartened, the Minister assured them that every ryot in distress would get compensation at the rate of Rs 10,000 per acre. “Chief Minister K Chandrashekhar Rao continues to extend help to farmers always,” he said.
Harish Rao said that the Chief Minister had already made it clear that the government would purchase rain-soaked paddy at the minimum support price. The government would do everything possible to help the farmers, he assured.
The farmers, particularly the women, poured out their woes to the Minister in the wake of the paddy crop being ravaged by unseasonal rains. Harish Rao told that he had come to the yard to instil a sense of courage among the farmers. He assured the farmers that he would always stand by them and extend all help to them.
“Ours is the only government in the country to provide financial assistance to farmers. KCR is the only Chief Minister who always comes to the rescue of the farmers and stands by them,” he asserted.
Market Committee chairman M Vijitha Venugopal Reddy and others were present.