Sunday, September 8, 2024

Case Study: When heartburn was resolved

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A 45-year-old woman complained of recurring heartburn. She described a burning sensation in her chest that worsened after meals and disrupted her sleep. Concerned about the similarity of symptoms between heartburn and a heart attack, she sought clarification and relief. During her consultation, Dr. X took a comprehensive medical history and conducted a physical examination. The patient’s history revealed occasional acid reflux triggered by certain foods and stress. The doctor listened to her concerns and explained the overlapping symptoms between heartburn and a heart attack, emphasising the importance of an accurate diagnosis. He devised a holistic treatment plan for the patients. He recommended lifestyle modifications such as dietary changes, elevating the head of her bed, stress reduction techniques, and regular exercise. Alongside these changes, he prescribed a short-term course of antacids and discussed natural remedies like chewing gum after meals to stimulate saliva production, which aids in neutralising stomach acid.
Now we all know about the traditional remedies for heartburn, don’t we? For example, ginger can help reduce inflammation in the stomach and esophagus, providing relief from the burning sensation caused by acidity. Or, the eugenol in tulsi leaves helps reduce inflammation in the gastrointestinal tract, while carminative properties aid in digestion and prevent the formation of excess gas in the stomach. Now the modern twist: there is a chewable format for immediate relief too. Harnessing the power of “khatika churna”, ENO integrates natural ingredients, bringing a new holistic approach to heartburn relief. Unlike traditional home remedies, what happens here is that it requires no water for consumption, so the solution is even more fast-paced for heartburn.
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