Allari Naresh, known for his comedic films, has been experimenting with different genres in recent times. Following the success of Naandi, Itlu Maredumilli Prajaneekam...
Another actress from North, Aishwarya Sharma is making her debut with Drinker Sai film opposite Dharma. Kiran Tirumalasetty is the director and the film...
In 2024, Indian actresses transcended borders, showcasing their talent and charm on international platforms. From cinema to fashion and global collaborations, these women proved...
Mega Powerstar Ram Charan has teamed up with renowned filmmaker Shankar for the highly anticipated project Game Changer. As part of the promotional campaign,...
Actress Pooja Hegde has kicked off another shooting schedule for the much-awaited film Thalapathy 69 in Chennai. Sharing her excitement with her fans, Pooja...
There are many reports about the release date of Prabhas-starrer The Raja Saab, with speculation that the film might be postponed. Originally scheduled to...