Following the triumph of its debut season in February, the much-anticipated Season 2 of the Celebrity Cricket Carnival is scheduled for November. The event, known for its star-studded lineup, saw participation from prominent Telugu film celebrities including founder Sai Krishna, actors Srikanth, Tarun, Ashwin Babu, Sushant, Aadi Sai Kumar, Samrat, music director Thaman, artist Bhupal and Omkar.
Hero Srikanth praised founder Sai Krishna for his dedication to organizing the event for charity, acknowledging the challenge of hosting two seasons in one year. He commended the success of Season 1 and expressed optimism for the upcoming November 15 and 16 events, extending congratulations to Sai Krishna for his grand efforts.
Hero Tarun lauded Sai Krishna for his charitable initiative and expressed confidence that they would also win Season 2 and continue their support for The Royal Children’s Hospital in Melbourne.
Music Director Thaman described cricket as a stress reliever and noted the enthusiastic reception they received in Australia during Season 1. He further wished Sai Krishna success for the upcoming season.
Hero Ashwin Babu appreciated the TCA for integrating charity into their cricket matches, underscoring the importance of playing for a good cause. He looked forward to a successful curtain-raiser event in September.
Hero Aadi Sai Kumar expressed his excitement for Season 2 and thanked Tarun and Srikanth for including him in the charity cricket match. He hoped for a successful continuation of the event.
Hero Samrat shared his enthusiasm for playing cricket, particularly for charity, and hoped that Season 2 would surpass the success of the first.
Founder Sai Krishna expressed gratitude to Srikanth and Tarun for their support since the beginning. Reflecting on the success of Season 1, he thanked everyone involved in making it a grand success and supporting the charitable cause.