Popular Bollywood actor Saif Ali Khan was attacked by an intruder at his house in the early hours of Thursday. Saif was injured seriously and is now in the hospital and his condition is stable, according to the doctors. After getting the news, a few Tollywood celebrities expressed their shock and prayed for speedy recovery of Saif Ali Khan.
Jr NTR worked with Saif in the film ‘Devara’ part one directed by Koratala Siva. Jr NTR on his social media expressed shock about the incident. “Shocked and saddened to hear about the attack on Saif sir. Wishing and praying for his speedy recovery and good health,” said Jr NTR on his ‘X’.
Mega Star Chiranjeevi also responded and said he is disturbed after hearing about the news. “Deeply disturbed by news of the attack by an intruder on #SaifAliKhan. Wishing and praying for his speedy recovery,” said Chiranjeevi on his social media page.