West Godavari District Collector P Prashanthi has asked the people living in low-lying areas to be alert as the Vasishta Godavari River is in spate due to heavy rains in the catchment areas. The Vashista River is a tributary of the river Godavari.
In a statement here on Friday, the Collector asked the people living in the island villages in Achanta, Yelamanchili and Narasapuram mandals to be alert as heavy rains occurred in the catchment areas of the river. The Vashista will receive heavy inflows in the next couple of days. She said that the villages would be inundated and the villagers should be on high alert. The Collector also directed the government machinery to be on high alert in the wake of heavy rains in the catchment areas of Visista river. Collector Prashanthi said that a toll free number 08816 299189 was set up in the district headquarters to provide information to the people on the later flood situation.