Chief Secretary KS Jawahar Reddy has instructed officials of the Education Department to ensure the completion of all projects under the ‘Nadu-Nedu’ programme in various schools across the State by December-January.
During a review meeting on Saturday, he discussed matters related to ‘Nadu-Nedu’, the distribution of ‘Vidyakanuka’ kits, teachers’ grievances, the effectiveness of enrollment drives in school education, and the achievement of sustainable development goals with the education department officials.
During the meeting, the CS emphasised that all projects under the ‘Nadu-Nedu’ programme must be completed by December-January. It was specified that the volunteers’ 100% enrollment process should be completed by the end of this month. Dr. Reddy also instructed the education department officials to convey to parents that the government will continue to implement welfare schemes for their children’s benefit if they consistently send them to government schools.
Furthermore, the CS directed Praveen Prakash, Principal Secretary of School Education, to issue a circular to all schools to take appropriate action against mandal education department officials who do not utilise the toilets that have been constructed. To address anemia among students, Jawahar Reddy ordered the distribution of Iron and Folic tablets to all students and emphasised the need to improve nutrition in the mid-day meal plan.
Jawahar Reddy called for immediate action to ensure that two government junior colleges, including one women’s junior college, are established in each mandal as per the government’s directive. He also suggested making efforts to achieve the sustainable development goals set for the education department by the end of December. Additionally, measures should be taken to make various government certificates required by students available online through the DigiLocker system.
Principal Secretary Praveen Prakash stated that the 100% gross enrollment process for children aged 5-18 years, conducted by volunteers, will be completed by the end of July.
School Infrastructure Commissioner K Bhaskar mentioned that in the first phase, 15,000 schools out of a total of 45,000 schools, including 6,000 high schools and 4,000 primary schools, have been selected for infrastructure development across the state. Bhaskar explained that in the second phase, infrastructure facilities are being provided in an additional 16,000 schools, with 38% of the civil works already completed. Efforts are underway to complete all the remaining works by next December.