Sunday, September 8, 2024

Creating exchange opportunities in Education

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At a time when international collaboration is of great importance, the Swedish higher education and research delegation has contributed to exchange opportunities for students and researchers from India as well as Sweden. Students from across India with an interest to study in Sweden had an excellent opportunity to explore their options during a series of “Study in Sweden fairs” in Bengaluru, Chennai, and Hyderabad.

During the fairs, students interacted with 15 prominent universities from Sweden such as KTH Royal Institute of Technology and Jönköping University. Students have been able to avail of free counselling sessions and have received information regarding scholarships, visa opportunities and student life in Sweden.The delegation also met with Indian Institute of Science (IISc), Indian Institute of Technology, Madras and University of Hyderabad where research collaboration and institutional partnerships that can foster innovations that benefit both nations were explored.

The Sweden India Innovation Partnership has strengthened since its announcement in 2018. From Smart Grids to Digital Health, from Circular Economy to Artificial Intelligence – Sweden and India are co-creating innovations. Joint funding for science and innovation programs now stands at over SEK 160 million.Behind these numbers, there are multiple meetings, visits, and workshops. It is no coincidence that since the signing of the partnership, around 40 Indian delegations at Ministerial/Senior Official level have visited Sweden. People to People bridges are important. Mobility between researchers and innovators from India to Sweden and vice-versa should be encouraged. We are working towards a jointly funded researcher exchange program between India and Sweden that will be announced in early 2023.

The interest for studying in Sweden is global, with students coming from over 117 countries, with the biggest representation of students from Finland, India, and China. When students have been asked why they chose to study in Sweden, a majority of the over 10,000 international students surveyed by the Swedish Institute, pointed out the country’s lifestyle and its open, progressive values.The focus on equal rights, LGBTQ-rights and sustainability are as important as excellent education at an affordable cost. Over the last few years, Sweden as a study destination has become more and more appealing to young people all over the world, being a safe and modern country with a unique work-life balance, as unique as the lack of hierarchy and sense of equality, which is often reflected in classrooms.

Sweden today has the highest number of global companies per capita and is also highly ranked on the global innovation index – number 3 in the Global Innovation Index 2022! The success can to a great degree be attributed to the close collaboration between Swedish companies, universities & research institutes and government organisations.

Most of the research at Swedish universities is linked to ongoing projects at companies, hence the university campus environment prepares students for real life technology advancement.The master thesis is often linked to a company internship, which for many students is mandatory to undertake.

When you study in Sweden, you’re encouraged to think independently, creatively, and critically. You’ll develop your ability to question the status quo by assessing information, seeking new perspectives and coming up with well-informed opinions. Equality and diversity are central to Swedish society.The belief that everyone is of equal value contributes to Sweden’s consensus approach to getting things done, where everyone is given an opportunity to take part in the decision-making

One of the overarching Swedish principles for gender equality is that everyone, regardless of gender, has the right to work and support themselves, and to balance career and family life. 

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