Ambiecka Pandit, a former lawyer, makes ripples in film industry
Filmmaker Ambiecka Pandit breaks social norms with her storytelling and talks about her transition from corporate law to the film industry in an exclusive interview with The Pioneer.
Shraddha Neware
Ambiecka Pandit gave up her job practicing corporate law to follow her dream of becoming a filmmaker. She appears to have established herself in the business with critically acclaimed movies like Custody and Under the Waters. These movies questioned accepted social mores and promoted diversity in business.
The filmmaker who became a lawyer is said to be motivated by inclusivity, self-belief, and a goal of advancement. Additionally, she is a storyteller on a mission to change the world, rather than merely a filmmaker.
“My legal background is the fundamental bedrock of my approach to filmmaking,” the former lawyer explains, discussing her move from corporate law to the film industry. “I learned from law that there are usually two sides to every story. Furthermore, screenwriting and filmmaking, in the words of David Fincher, ‘work best when two people, on opposite sides, are both right.’”
The inspirational director says of breaking social conventions and taking on daring and contentious subjects, “I don’t think in terms of social impact while telling stories. I tell the stories that speak to me and that I think the audience will find meaningful. It is an added plus if they have a social influence.”
Motivated by her confidence in herself, she continues by outlining her filmmaking technique. “The ability to communicate your viewpoint is the only intriguing aspect of becoming a filmmaker. Why not incorporate a variety of viewpoints and observe the magic that develops? I find it effortless to incorporate many viewpoints into my filmmaking process since, similar to movies, the process of making a film involves teamwork. The highly regarded director asserts that “the whole will always be greater than the sum of its parts.” Her films’ creative value and social relevance have won them praise from critics. The grounded director responds, “When people who watch my films tell me they enjoy them, I feel very successful!”
She got the chance to showcase her work in front of the public with The Walkers Project at the Cannes film festival thanks to her partnership with Walker & Co. “We’re excited to see more of her motivational work in the future!”