Monday, July 8, 2024

Guv opens Dr Kurella Vithalacharya’s library

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Telangana Governor Tamilisai Soundararajan said that providing books to future generations through Dr Kurella Vithalacharya’s library is a great thing, during the inauguration of Acharya Kurella library building in Yellanki village of  Ramannapet mandal on Monday. On this occasion, the Governor honoured the family members of Kurella Vithalacharya.
In the meeting organised on this occasion, the Governor said that though she is busy with many works, she has come to inaugurate the library and was happy to meet the great author Acharya Kurella, because of the work he is doing.  Books create a better world and provide a better place.”
She expressed gratitude to the Prime Minister for mentioning Yellanki village and Acharya Kurella library in Mann Ki Baat programme.
She also said that youth should use libraries for competitive exams. Yellanki has earned a special place in the State of Telangana and Acharya Kurella is a role model for everyone.  “I salute them for their services to libraries for reading and for the books they are providing for the coming generations,” the Governor said. State High Court Judge Konur Laxman said that the Governor  shows great concern for libraries and about 8,500 books and 1,000 notebooks have been given to Kurella Library. Sanction proceedings of Rs 10,63, 470 was sanctioned to the library was handed over to the Governor.

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