Thursday, July 4, 2024

Harish flays Cong for failing the unemployed

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Former Minister and MLA T Harish Rao has criticised the Congress party for its failure to address the concerns of unemployed youth after coming to power.
Harish Rao pointed out that while in opposition, Congress leaders made numerous promises to the unemployed, but their actions in power have been disappointing. “These visuals serve as live evidence of how Congress leaders, who incited the unemployed in various ways while in opposition, are now treating them,” Harish said. He highlighted the plight of candidates for Group 1 mains, who are demanding a 1:100 ratio and an increase in Group 2 and 3 posts, now finding themselves pleading at the feet of these leaders.
He questioned the Congress’s commitment, noting that those who advocated for a 1:100 eligibility ratio for Group 1 mains while in opposition have ignored these requests now that they are in power. “Why are these promises not being fulfilled now?” he asked.
The former minister also criticised the Congress for failing to deliver on its election promise to release a DSC notification for 25,000 teacher posts, having only announced 11,000 posts instead. “This is a clear betrayal of the students,” he said.
Despite the Congress promising to fill two lakh government jobs within the first year of their tenure, Harish Rao pointed out that six months have passed without any concrete plans, leaving the students feeling deceived. He contrasted this with the BRS government’s record, stating, “While boasting about issuing appointment letters for the posts filled during the BRS government’s tenure and claiming to have provided 30,000 jobs, what has the Congress party done for the youth and the unemployed?” Harish urged the government to respond immediately to the requests of the Group exam students. “The number of posts in the DSC notification should be increased, and all promises made to the youth in the election manifesto should be implemented,” he demanded.

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