If you’re someone who puts others and their needs before herself, juggling between multiple tasks, then you may have Superwoman Syndrome. This week for Health Talk, The Pioneer’s Tejal sinha digs in deep about the syndrome.
‘Cause I am a Superwoman. Yes, I am. Yes, she is. Even when I’m a mess, I still put on a vest. With an S on my chest, Oh yes, I’m a Superwoman,’ reads the lyrics of Alicia Keys Superwoman.
Do the lyrics bring to mind some picture of a superwoman in your life too — maybe your mother, sister, or spouse? Well, no doubt the women in our lives are no less than what we generally call ‘superwoman’. Women have become the ‘co-breadwinners’. Well, that doesn’t mean one has to be only a working mom but also a stay-at-home mom. Be it trying to raise a family, juggling between house and work, attending your kids activities, or working out, we see women striving hard to make things perfect.
Are you also someone who is constantly on the go? Do you give yourself a break? Are you neglecting yourself and your needs while fulfilling the needs of others? Then you may have something called Superwoman Syndrome. The syndrome occurs when one neglects herself because she is seeking to “do it all” to perfection and stretching herself too thin. According to experts, the term is used to describe the pressure and expectations that one puts on women to excel in all aspects of their lives.
“The Superwoman Syndrome is where a woman aims to fulfil all her roles with so much perfection by ignoring herself. Instead of feeling fulfilled, they mostly find themselves anxious and stressed most of the time. Superwoman syndrome is frequently fueled by societal expectations and cultural conventions that have historically placed a disproportionate burden on women to be carers and housekeepers while pursuing their careers and personal objectives. When they are unable to meet these competing demands, they may experience feelings of guilt and inadequacy,” explains Dr. Rupali Singh, a psychotherapist and life coach.
She even went on to highlight that it is important for one to be aware of the symptoms and what their body is trying to explain. Let’s have a look at the symptoms that one may witness:
Unable to sleep or having excessive sleep.
Muscle tension.
Untimely Sweating.
Inability to concentrate.
Aches and pains.Apart from the physical symptoms, the Superwoman Syndrome can also have a significant effect on one’s mental health. “Overwhelm, persistent stress, and anxiety can result from the pressure to perform in all parts of life, along with a reluctance to ask for help or take pauses,” states Purnima Rao, a mental health professional.
According to research, women who experience superwoman syndrome are more likely than women who do not to experience worry and despair. Purnima further shares, “Women who struggle with setting boundaries and prioritising self-care may be more likely to engage in unhealthy coping strategies such as binge eating, substance abuse, or other addictive behaviours.”
To overcome the Superwoman Syndrome and untie your cape, the experts suggest:
Ask for help.
Take some time for yourself.
It’s okay to say no.
Say goodbye to perfection.
Make a list of everything that you need to do.“The truth for many women today is that they must wear numerous hats. Sometimes we don’t have the support we need to take a step back, or it’s unclear how to take a step back. We understand if you’re unable to step back owing to financial constraints, a lack of daycare, or assistance, but remember, you don’t have to be perfect.
You are not required to accomplish it alone. Feeling the desire to finish everything perfectly may cause stress and open the door to a slew of health problems, including premature ageing, heart disease, diabetes, obesity, and gastrointestinal disorders,” highlights Purnima.
Women who suffer from superwoman syndrome typically believe they must do everything and please everyone, which causes anxiety, stress, and overload. Women must prioritise self-care and boundaries to counteract this inclination and maintain their well-being.
Remember that because you are only human, it is natural for you to have flaws and make mistakes. In fact, aim for flaws, embrace them, and learn to live with them. Your shortcomings, like your wonderful characteristics, define your character and set you apart from others. Plan your day, organise it ahead of time, and stick to it; everything else can wait. Just tell yourself, ‘No pressure, please’.