Home Minister Vangalapudi Anitha visited the Visakhapatnam Central Jail on Sunday morning to assess its condition following allegations of illegal activities within the facility. During the visit, the Minister confirmed receiving reports of marijuana supply inside the jail, and announced that a comprehensive investigation is underway.
Speaking to the media, Minister Anitha attributed the issues to administrative lapses under the previous government. She emphasised the need for stronger oversight to ensure the safety and security of prisoners. The Minister inspected areas where cell phones were recently discovered and assured strict action against those found guilty of misuse.
In a startling revelation, the Minister disclosed that a cannabis plant had been found within the jail premises. Terming the situation as “alarming”, she criticised the apparent negligence by jail staff and warned that such lapses would not be tolerated. While no suspensions have been made yet, Anitha stated that staff transfers might be implemented after the investigation concludes. She also reminded uniformed personnel to abstain from protests or strikes, emphasising their duty to maintain order.
The newly appointed Jail Superintendent highlighted ongoing efforts to improve the facility, including thorough cleaning operations and the installation of CCTV cameras, which are expected to be operational within 10 days. As part of enhanced security measures, some inmates are being transferred to the Rajahmundry Jail. Addressing media queries, the Superintendent criticised the absence of proper records of jail visits over the past five years and assured that advancements in technology will now ensure greater transparency.
Anitha confirmed that the investigation into the discovery of cell phones will be completed within 10-15 days. She announced plans to increase staffing at the facility to prevent similar incidents in the future. Reiterating her commitment to restoring order and accountability, the Minister assured swift and decisive action against anyone found guilty of misconduct. The visit marks the government’s first major step toward addressing the issues that have plagued it in recent years.