The highly anticipated crime thriller Satyabhama is all set to hit the silver screen on June 7, promising an enthralling cinematic experience for moviegoers. Presented by the esteemed production company Aurum Arts, the film features Kajal Aggarwal in the lead role, with Naveen Chandra portraying a pivotal character. Directed by Suman Chikkala, Satyabhama delves into the intricate world of crime investigation, blending action and emotion seamlessly.
At a press meet held in Hyderabad on Thursday, the cast and crew shared their insights into the making of the film and what audiences can expect.
Of them, Kajal Aggarwal expressed, “I made a new attempt in my career with the movie Satyabhama. This is the first time I am doing such a character and movie. When I heard the story, I liked it and felt it was new, so I decided to do the movie. I didn’t have a specific type of story or character in mind. I will do any genre if the content is good. Before Satyabhama, I had many offers for female-oriented movies, but I wanted to take them on only when I was confident enough. I feel a sense of responsibility rather than pressure when doing lady-oriented movies. This film has many new emotions.” The actress further continued, “For the first time in my career, I did action and performed huge stunts, working hard for them. Satyabhama is not my second innings, but one can think my career will go in another new direction. Acting is my passion, and that’s why I returned to movies after focusing on my personal life. In this film, my character balances both personal and professional lives. During the making of this film, we met a senior police officer who explained how criminals today are committing crimes using technology such as gaming and virtual reality. We found his insights very interesting and incorporated them into the story. I’ve always wanted to do a full-length action movie, and I feel that desire has been fulfilled with Satyabhama.”