Vennam Jyothi Surekha, a prominent young archer from Vijayawada, Andhra Pradesh, has been selected to represent India in the Senior Compound Archery team for the World Cup Stage 1 and 2 competitions. The selection trials, organised by the Archery Association of India, were held in Kolkata from January 10 to 13.
Surekha, who competes for the Airports Authority of India (AAI), delivered an impressive performance during the trials, securing second place in the senior compound category. This achievement marks another milestone in her remarkable journey as a key member of the Indian Senior Compound Archery team, a position she has held for the past 15 years.
Hailing from Vijayawada, Jyothi Surekha has established herself as one of India’s top archers, earning numerous accolades in international competitions. Her dedication and consistent performance have made her one of the most trusted archers in the national team. The World Cup Stages 1 and 2 are significant events on the global archery calendar, attracting the world’s best archers to compete at the highest level. Surekha’s participation is expected to strengthen India’s prospects in these prestigious tournaments.