The makers of Vishnu Manchu’s upcoming film Kannappa have unveiled Kajal Aggarwal’s look as Goddess Parvathi. This Monday’s reveal marks the latest update from the film and it showcases Kajal in a mythological role for the first time. As Parvathi Devi, the powerful mother who rules over the three worlds, she embodies the Trishakti – the divine force that protects her devoted followers.
In the sacred temple of Sri Kalahasti, Parvathi Devi is the holy presence of Gnana Prasunambika, symbolising wisdom and grace. The film’s makers describe Kajal Aggarwal as bringing an enchanting aura to the role, exuding divine charm. Her character plays a pivotal role in the narrative of this grand, larger-than-life story inspired by true events. Kannappa boasts an impressive ensemble cast, including Mohan Babu, Prabhas, Akshay Kumar, Mohanlal and Sarath Kumar, among others. Directed by Mukesh Kumar Singh, the film is set to hit the screens on April 25, 2025.