Maharashtra Deputy Chief Minister Devendra Fadnavis said on Tuesday that he had been informed by former governor B S Koshyari that MVA leaders had written a letter with a threatening tone to the ex-governor over MLC nominations and refused to withdraw it.
The deputy CM’s remarks come a day after Koshyari defended his stand to sit on the nominations for 12 Members of the Legislative Council under the governor’s quota when Uddhav Thackeray led the Maha Vikas Aghadi (MVA) government in the state.
Koshyari had said that MVA leaders had tried to browbeat him over the MLC nominations.
Speaking to reporters in Pune, Fadnavis said, “As per my information, MahaVikas Aghadi leaders had visited Raj Bhavan and met (then) governor Bhagat Singh Koshyari. The governor told me that MVA leaders had written a letter in a threatening tone. He had even asked them to re-submit a fresh letter but due to their ego, they refused to do it.”
The MLC nominations were a major flashpoint between the then MVA government and Koshyari, who recently resigned as the Maharashtra governor.
Leaders from MVA, which comprises the Thackeray group, the Nationalist Congress Party and the Congress, had also accused Koshyari of acting at the behest of the Bharatiya Janata Party, which was in the opposition then.