YSRCP State general secretary Sajjala Ramakrishna Reddy has accused TDP chief N Chandrababu Naidu of spreading false propaganda about the Land Titling Act in Andhra Pradesh, stating that it was an attempt to terrorise the public ahead of the general elections.
Speaking at a media conference held at the party’s central office, Sajjala criticised Naidu’s dissemination of misinformation through vernacular newspapers like ‘Eenadu’ and ‘Andhra Jyoti’.
Highlighting the contradiction in TDP’s stance, Sajjala pointed out that TDP MLA Payyavula Keshav had voiced support for the Act in the Legislative Assembly back in July 2019 when the bill was under consideration. He questioned why Chandrababu did not raise objections at that time, especially since the Act received support from Niti Aayog and BJP-led states.
Sajjala said that the government would guarantee land ownership following the implementation of the Land Titling Act, which is currently undergoing a comprehensive land survey.
Accusing Chandrababu of engaging in fear-mongering tactics reminiscent of terrorism, Sajjala condemned his attempts to create panic among the populace. He attributed Chandrababu’s actions to political opportunism, aimed at gaining an advantage in the upcoming elections. Sajjala challenged Chandrababu to denounce the Act to the BJP if he truly believed it to be flawed.
In addressing Chandrababu’s criticism of the e-stamping system, Sajjala reminded that it was initiated during Chandrababu’s tenure and has since been adopted by multiple states. He also referenced past controversies involving TDP leaders, including the Telgi scandal and allegations against former cabinet colleague C Krishna Yadav.
Sajjala asserted that the Opposition’s smear campaign against the YSRCP government was intended to sway public opinion away from the party. He urged the TDP to explain its flip-flop on the Land Titling Act, emphasising that their current criticism contradicted their earlier support in both the Legislative Assembly and Council.