Education, IT and Electronics Minister Nara Lokesh has said that the social service programmes undertaken by the Padmashaliya Bahuttama Sangham are ideal for all sections. Minister Lokesh inaugurated the newly-constructed Kalyana Mandapam under the auspices of Padmashaliya Bahuttama Sangham at Mangalagiri on Thursday.
Lokesh and his wife Brahmini were warmly welcomed by the community elders. Later, they participated in a special puja at Bhadravati Sametha Bhavanarushi Swami temple.
On this occasion, Lokesh said that the government would support and cooperate with the programmes undertaken by the Padmashaliya Bahuttama Sangham and the development of the temple. He said that the weavers of Mangalagiri are his soul mates and the love they showed him during the elections will never be forgotten. He said that he would take all measures to restore the past glory to Mangalagiri weavers. He said that Weavers Shala has been set up as a pilot project to increase the income of handloom workers and market linkage has been done with Tata Tanera. Lokesh said that we are working to ensure that the GST issue will be resolved soon.
Lokesh said that goldsmiths in Mangalagiri will be trained to make better designs through skill development, and efforts have been made to establish a special gold hub on approximately 25 acres to make Mangalagiri a gold hub of South India. Mangalagiri has many problems that have accumulated over the years and every step taken will be towards a permanent solution to the problems.
Lokesh said that Kalyana Mandapam has been built in a way that is accessible to all and the youth should participate in the service activities organized by the community. The youth should participate in all programs to learn about the history of Mangalagiri and preserve the history.
MLCs Murugudu Hanumanthu Rao, Panchumurthy Anuradha, Constituency Coordinator Nandam Abaddiah, Janasena Constituency Coordinator Chillapalli Srinivas, Padmashaliya Bahutthama Sangam Elders participated in this programme.