Wednesday, June 26, 2024

NEET row Sibal demands probe by SC-appointed officials

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Amid the raging row over medical entrance exam NEET, former HRD minister Kapil Sibal on Sunday demanded a probe by Supreme Court-appointed officials into allegations of irregularities and called on the government to have a thorough consultation with all states as to how this examination is to be held in future.
In an interview, the Rajya Sabha MP also hit out at Prime Minister Narendra Modi over the issue, saying if the testing system in any examination becomes corrupt then it is “not really neat for the PM to remain silent”.
Sibal urged all political parties to raise the matter strongly in the upcoming session of Parliament but was not optimistic about it being taken up for discussion, predicting that the government will not allow it citing that the matter is sub-judice.
“The present National Testing Agency (NTA) has really bungled and corruption has been brought to light on media platforms, such as providing solutions for question papers for something like becoming a doctor,” Sibal, who was the Human Resource Development (now the portfolio is Education) minister from May 29, 2009 to October 29, 2012, said.
“Some of these incidents in Gujarat have perplexed me and are a matter of great national concern. I think NTA should answer some of these very serious questions,” he said. Sibal said what is even more surprising and disappointing is that whenever something like this happens and there is corruption under the aegis of the present government, the “andh bhakts” start blaming the UPA for it and that is most unfortunate because they don’t seem to be fully educated before making statements of this nature.
He pointed out that the NEET regulation was introduced in 2010 by the Medical Council of India (MCI) through its board of directors. The MCI was under the ministry of health and not under the ministry of education.
Sibal alleged there is rampant corruption in the manner in which examinations are being held not just in one state but throughout the country.
“If 67 students have maxed and some of them belong to same centre I think the minister should be worried about it instead of saying there is nothing wrong.
In this government, there would not be any minister who will admit that something wrong has been done.”

he said.
The Rajya Sabha MP said the complexity of this country is such that any kind of uniformity tends to favour a certain class of people.

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