The police arrested the BJP’s Medak MP, M. Raghunandan Rao, for staging a dharna along with tribal people at the Velimela Thanda on Friday demanding that the state government do justice to tribals in the Bilaa Dhakhala land issue.
After the arrest of Raghunandan tension gripped the area for some time after the police and tribals jostled with each other when they tried to block Raghunandan’s arrest. However, the police arrested Raghunandan and took him to Patancheru Police Station. It may be recalled that tribals have been protesting for the last 10 days demanding that the government do justice to them.
Meanwhile, Raghunandan who supported the tribals on Thursday at a press conference held at the state BJP office demanded that the government should stop encroachments on Bilaa Dhakhala land by K. Nithyananda Reddy, Kommireddy Vikram Kumar Reddy and a Minister as the tribals had been cultivating the land for three generations.
On Friday, Raghunandan went to the spot along with BJP leaders and tribals and staged a dharna along with them.