The upcoming film Pottel, though a modestly sized production, is creating a strong buzz, largely due to its hit music composed by Shekar Chandra. Every song released from the album has become a chartbuster and the teaser, unveiled by Sandeep Reddy Vanga, has made a memorable impact. Directed by Sahit Mothkhuri and produced by Nishank Reddy Kudithi of NISA Entertainments and Suresh Kumar Sadige of Pragnya Sannidhi Creations, Pottel is now gearing up for its release. In celebration of Independence Day, the film’s team has announced that Pottel will hit theatres during the Dasara festival. The release date poster prominently features the four central characters—Yuva Chandraa Krishna, Ananya Nagalla, their daughter, and Pottel—set against a backdrop with the Indian flag, highlighting the film’s cultural context. The Dasara festival, being the biggest celebration in Telangana, provides ideal timing for the film’s release, allowing it to leverage the holiday period. Monish Bhupathi Raju is responsible for the film’s cinematography; Karthika Srinivas handles the editing and Narni Srinivas serves as the art director.