Ram Gopal Varma changed Telugu cinema with his ‘Shiva’ into new heights. People talk about before and after ‘Shiva’, as it marks a trendsetter in Telugu and Indian cinema. Later, he made some good films like ‘Satya’, ‘Anaganaka Oka Roju’, ‘Kshana Kshanam’, ‘Rangeela’, ‘Sarkar’ and many more. But in recent years, he is known for his controversial remarks and is in the news for wrong reasons. He started making satirical films with a political backdrop, but none of them made any impact. Recently, RGV has seen his old film ‘Satya’ with the actors who acted in that film in Mumbai. After watching the film, the director made a confession that from now onwards, he is going to make good films. RGV is known for his brilliance, but he lost his touch completely in recent years. The director posted a long note after watching ‘Satya’ a few days back and what he wanted to do in the coming days. “I obviously can’t make any amends now for what I already did, but I promised myself two nights back while wiping away my tears, that every film I make from now onwards will be made with a reverence towards why I wanted to become a director in the first place,” said RGV in his post. The director also confessed that his recent films are not made with honesty and integrity which was there in ‘Satya’. “Some of my later films might have been successful but I do not believe that any of them had the same honesty and integrity which SATYA had,” added the director. The director confessed that he wanted to make sincere films in the coming days. “”Finally now I took a vow that whatever little of my life is left, I want to spend it sincerely and create something as worthy as SATYA and this truth I swear on SATYA,” said the director.