Union Railway Minister Ashwini Vaishnav said that Rs 9,151 crore has been allocated for the Railways in Andhra Pradesh in the Union Budget presented by Finance Minister Nirmala Sitaraman the other day. He said that the Centre is committed to allocate more funds to the Railways in the State.
The Union Minister, on Wednesday, told the media that the NDA government under the leadership of PM Narendra Modi has increased the allocation by 10 folds compared to the UPA government. He said that 100 per cent electrification of railway lines has also been done in Andhra Pradesh. Railway project works worth Rs 73,743 crore are progressing in the State. He said that 73 railway stations are being developed under the Amrit scheme.
On the capital rail project, the Minister said that the works of Amaravati railway project is progressing. “We have designed a project of 56 km connecting Amaravati at a cost of Rs 2,047 crore. NITI Aayog has approved the DPR on railway works. Further permissions may take some time. The Railways is discussing with the state government the allotment of land for setting up a Railway Zone in Visakhapatnam. CM Chandrababu Naidu has already instructed the officials to allocate the land,” said the Union Minister.