The police department is working to ensure that the installation and immersion of Ganesh idols is carried out as per the plan, without any errors, said Sneha Mehra, DCP, South Zone, Hyderabad, here on Friday. Â
A coordination meeting was held by DCP Sneha Mehra with the Bhagyanagar Ganesh Utsav Committee, zonal officials, and Ganesh Utsav organisers at the Reddy Jana Sangham function hall under the jurisdiction of the Chatrinaka police station.
Addressing the gathering, Sneha Mehra urged the committee members to cooperate. The police are making tight security arrangements to ensure that there are no disruptions during the Ganesh processions. She appealed to the devotees to celebrate the festival peacefully and grandly. She also suggested taking precautions to prevent fires in the pandals and urged the organisers to maintain peace and order during the Ganesh festival.
She informed that volunteers must be present at the Ganesh mandapam throughout the day. At least three volunteers should be present during the night. She also suggested that the organisers make arrangements for queues in the mandaps, keeping in view the visits of devotees. She advised that CCTV cameras be installed in the mandaps, even if it is on a temporary basis, until the end of the festival.