Rachakonda Commissioner of Police Tarun Joshi has organised a review meeting at Shreya Engineer College, Nagole on Friday with Rachakonda DCPs, Additional DCPs, ACPs and other officials with regard  to the security arrangements and precautions to be taken at the field level in view of the conclusion of the Lok Sabha election nominations process.
In this meeting, the election security arrangements in the Lok Sabha constituencies under Rachakonda Commissionerate were reviewed. Commissioner Tarun Joshi said that all levels of Rachakonda personnel are ready to conduct the Lok Sabha elections in an armed manner. All security arrangements are being made for the smooth conduct of the election process from Malkajigiri, Hyderabad, Chevella, Bhuvanagiri and Nagar Kurnool Lok Sabha constituencies to Assembly constituencies and mandals.
 Armed checks are already being conducted at the check posts set up on district borders and other major highways. Barricades, tents, chairs, lighting system, communication tools and CC cameras have been installed at all the check posts.
Additionally, he said that along with the Rachakonda police personnel, Central Armed Forces will also be on duty in adequate numbers at the check posts. The Commissioner suggested that more check posts should be set up at necessary places to catch the money being smuggled. Officers are regularly inspecting the security arrangements at the check posts and the staff, zone-wise and division-wise superiors are also conducting surprise checks and making the staff aware of the procedures and legal regulations to be followed in the checks.