Slamming that the BRS working president and former Minister KT Rama Rao was showing fake love towards minorities, Adviser to the Telangana government on matters related to Scheduled Castes (SC), Scheduled Tribes (ST), Backward Classes (BC) and Minority communities, Shabbir Ali asked KTR to tell as to what they did when they were in power? Why did your father contest from Kamareddy? How many attempts have you made to defeat one innocent person? Shabbir Ali asked.
While speaking to the media on Tuesday at Gandhi Bhavan, Shabbir Ali slammed KTR saying that KCR did nothing to the Minorities when he was in power. However, the Congress government made him an Advisor, Shabbir Ali said.
While countering the KTR’s comments that there was no Minister from Minorities in Congress government, Shabbir Ali asked KTR to tell what to do as no one won the elections? He said that the Congress will give opportunities to Minorities. The government gave opportunities to Minorities in appointments in TSPSC and as Supreme Court AG.
Shabbir Ali made it clear that the Congress government will give opportunities even in future. He asked KTR to make his father KCR to tell first as to why he contested from Kamareddy.