The global success of RRR has elevated Global Star Ram Charan to international fame. For his 16th film, Ram Charan is teaming up with the sensational director Buchi Babu Sana, who made a significant impact with his debut film, Uppena. This highly anticipated project, #RC16, is proudly presented by the Pan India production powerhouse Mythri Movie Makers and Sukumar Writings. Venkata Satish Kilaru is making his grand entry into film production with this large-scale venture, which promises to deliver a high-budget, high-quality cinematic experience under the banner of Vriddhi Cinemas.
Exciting news for fans: Kannada superstar Karunada Chakravarthi Shiva Rajkumar is joining the cast in a powerful role. The announcement was made today on Shiva Rajkumar’s birthday, adding to the celebratory mood. Fans of both actors are eagerly anticipating seeing these two superstars together on screen.
The film will feature a musical score by Academy Award-winning composer AR Rahman, with Janhvi Kapoor cast as the leading lady opposite Ram Charan. The cinematography will be handled by R Rathnavelu and Avinash Kolla will serve as the production designer.