In a recent unveiling, the teaser of the eagerly anticipated family drama Sarangadariya, starring Raja Raveendar, was revealed with support from actor Sree Vishnu. The film, produced by Umadevi and Sarath Chandra under the Saija Creations banner and directed by Padmarao Abbisetti (Alias Pandu), is currently undergoing post-production with a planned release date in May.
Speaking about the film, the teaser portrays Sarangadariya as a poignant and emotional family entertainer. It centers around a middle-aged man striving to lead a respectable life within society alongside his wife and children—a narrative fraught with challenges and societal scrutiny.
Commenting on the teaser release, producers Umadevi and Sarath Chandra expressed gratitude to Sree Vishnu for his support. They highlighted the film’s heartwarming emotions and reaffirmed their commitment to the May release schedule.
Director Padmarao Abbisetti (Pandu) shared his enthusiasm for the project, marking his directorial debut with Sarangadariya. He emphasized the film’s exploration of middle-class family struggles and its portrayal of universal themes of love and family bonds. Abbisetti echoed the producers’ sentiments, underscoring the film’s status as a quintessential family entertainer.
With its compelling narrative and relatable themes, Sarangadariya promises to strike a chord with audiences upon its release in May, offering a heartfelt portrayal of familial relationships and societal challenges.