Bollywood’s latest thriller Kill, featuring Lakshya and Raghav Juyal, has taken the box office by storm in its opening week despite stiff competition from other major releases. This unexpected success has garnered significant attention, particularly among young Telugu actors who are eager to bring this gripping story to the Tollywood audience.
Kill captivates audiences with its intense two-hour narrative centered on a deadly train journey. The protagonist, driven by revenge, embarks on a relentless rampage, eliminating 40–50 dacoits who have attacked his girlfriend’s family. The film’s high-octane action sequences and relentless pacing, reminiscent of the Hollywood hit Extraction, have kept viewers on the edge of their seats from start to finish.
In Tollywood, interest in remaking Kill is high. Two prominent teams, one led by Sudheer Babu and another by Kiran Abbavaram, have reportedly approached Karan Johar’s Dharma Productions to acquire the remake rights. However, the producers are meticulously searching for a lead actor whose star power can transcend regional boundaries, ensuring the film’s success not only in the Telugu market but also in Tamil and Malayalam cinema.
The buzz around Kill isn’t confined to India alone. The film has also piqued the interest of Hollywood, with Chad Stahelski’s company, famous for directing the John Wick series, planning an international remake. This move highlights Kill’s broad appeal and its potential to resonate with global audiences.