Manchu Lakshmi takes on the lead role in the film Aadiparvam. Co-starring Shivakanth, Aditya Om, Esther Anil, Sreejith Ghosh, Venkat Kiran, Satyaprakash, Suhasini and...
PNS | Hyderabad
Due to several issues, Koteswara Rao (played by Saikumar), who holds a prominent position in a village, wishes to end his life....
Prashanth Tanguturi is producing the movie Natho Nenu directed by Shanti Kumar Thurlapati (Jabardust fame) starring Saikumar, Aditya Om, Aishwarya, Rajeev Kanakala, Srinivas Sai...
Prashanth Tanguturi is producing the film Natho Nenu with Dilogue King Saikumar, Aditya Om, Aishwarya , Rajeev Kanakala, Sreenivasasayee and Deepali Rajput in the...
Prashanth Tanguturi is producing the movie Natho Nenu with Saikumar, Srinivas Sai, Aditya Om, Deepali Rajput, and Aishwarya Rajeev in the lead roles under...