In the past several days, Ajith has treated his followers with updates. The first-look poster for the Magizh Thirumeni-directed VidaaMuyarchi, his 62nd film, was...
Mythri Movie Makers announced a high-budget action film, Good Bad Ugly, with Ajith Kumar playing the lead. Adhik Ravichandran, who last directed Vishal in...
Kollywood Star Hero, Ajith Kumar enjoys massive fan following and stardom. His films fetch openings and collections irrespective of previous films results. Though, Ajith’s...
Ajith Kumar’s next, tentatively called AK62 was announced in 2022, by Lyca Productions, their first as producers for the Tamil superstar. After Thunivu, Ajith...
Amartya Smaran
Thegimpu, the dubbed Telugu version of Ajith Kumar’s Thunivu hit the screens on Wednesday.. This film marks the third collaboration between writer-director H....