Director Prashanth Varma's "HanuMan" is the first superhero Telugu film. Teja Sajja, Amritha Aiyer, Varalakshi Sarath Kumar, and Samuthirakhani play the main leads. Although...
Amritha Aiyer, the talented actress who rose to Pan-Indian fame with her impressive performance in the blockbuster film Hanuman, is now gearing up for...
Actor Allari Naresh is only doing meaningful and unique films lately, especially after the success of Naandi. His next Bachhala Malli, directed by Subbu...
Young actor Teja Sajja and creative director Prasanth Varma joined forces again for Hanu-Man, a superhero movie. Amritha Aiyer is the female lead in...
Creative director Prashanth Varma is coming up with the first original Indian superhero film Hanu-Man which features Teja Sajja playing the titular role. It...