Nagabhushana, a well-known Kannada actor, was detained after his automobile struck a couple in Bengaluru who were using the pavement. According to reports, the...
In a heartbreaking incident, four members of a family hailing from the State met a devastating end in a fire-related accident in Kuwait. The...
PNS | Visakhapatnam
Three people, including a young couple, were killed in a road rage incident on Bheemili road near Radisson hotel in Visakhapatnam late...
Former senior IAS officer GSRKR Vijay Kumar and his wife, Vijayasri, emerged unscathed from a road accident that occurred on Friday night when their...
Six pilgrims were injured when the car in which they were travelling rammed a culvert on the Kurnool-Bellary highway at Kodumur village on Tuesday.
Three persons were killed and another critically injured when the car in which they were travelling rammed a stationary milk van at Konanki village...