Anticipation is building as the uproarious comedy "Mahaanatulu," reminiscent of the beloved Jathi Ratnalu style, gears up for its highly awaited release on the...
Actress Sanghmitra Hitaishi who was recently seen alongside Sonakshi Sinha in Dahaad, speaks to The Pioneer about the characters she’d never portray, working in...
K. Ramya Sree
Stand-up comedian Aakash Mehta recently won the first season of Netflix’s Social Currency. Aakash is a well-known stand-up comedian, who travels across...
Actor and comedian Brahmanandam Kanneganti, who is known for his roles in Telugu cinema, currently holds the Guinness World Record for ‘most screen credits...
Hero Kartikeya Gummakonda - Neha Sshetty’s next Bedurulanka 2012'is directed by Clax. After making National Award winning film like Color Photo emerging production house...
Get ready to witness Aha’s first-ever full-blown comedy show Comedy Stock Exchange, which will premiere on December 2. The Pioneer sat down with the...