The excitement surrounding the upcoming Telugu romantic comedy, Darling, reached new heights at a star-studded pre-release event, signaling what many expect to be a...
As the Priyadarshi and Nabha Natesh-starrer Darling is nearing its release, producer Chaitanya Reddy shares some behind the scenes and tidbits about the film
Vishwak Sen unveiled the theatrical trailer of Darling, starring Priyadarshi, Nabha Natesh, and directed by debutant Aswin Raam, under the banner of PrimeShow Entertainment,...
The upcoming romantic comedy Darling, starring Priyadarshi and Nabha Natesh and directed by debutant Aswin Raam, has been generating considerable excitement ahead of its...
Maredumilli, renowned for its picturesque landscapes, has become the latest backdrop for the ambitious pan-India project Swayambhu, featuring Nikhil in the lead role.Directed by...
PrimeShow Entertainment, known for their blockbuster hits including the Pan-India sensation HanuMan, is gearing up for another crowd-pleaser with the romantic comedy Darling, starring...
Swayambhu, starring Nikhil, who gained nationwide popularity with Karthikeya 2, is one of the craziest projects in the country right now. The actor who...