The Telugu web series is growing in popularity and has become a significant platform for new directors, technicians and actors. Vikkatakavi, the first detective...
The teaser for the movie Kali, starring young heroes Prince and Naresh Agastya, has been released by blockbuster director Nag Ashwin. Produced by Rudra...
Plot: Married couple Dolly and Sudheer, who moved to Hyderabad and eloped, return to Guntur for a relative's burial at Paruvu. The couple's families...
Sushmita Konidela, the elder daughter of megastar Chiranjeevi, has made her mark in the entertainment industry not only through her production company but also...
Naresh Agastya,Megha Akash renowned for their acting talent, are coming together to entertain movie lovers with their upcoming webseries Vikkatakavi. The webseries is bankrolled...
Mentoo, starring Naresh Agastya, Brahmaji, Harsha Chemudu, and Nellore Sudharshan as male leads, has locked its release date. The buddy comedy will head to...