Energetic actor Ram Pothineni and dashing director Puri Jagannadh have teamed up once again for the sequel to iSmart Shankar, titled Double iSmart. The...
Blockbuster maker Boyapati Sreenu and Ustaad Ram Pothineni’s highly anticipated mass action entertainer #BoyapatiRAPO gets a powerful title. The makers locked the title- Skanda...
Ram Pothineni and director Boyapati Sreenu’s collaboration has garnered good buzz. The film which has been talking point for its grand scale and lavish...
Blockbuster maker Boyapati Sreenu and Ustaad Ram Pothineni’s much-awaited mass action entertainer #BoyapatiRAPO is nearing completion. The massive energy strikes early in theatres. The...
Blockbuster maker Boyapati Sreenu who delivered the massive blockbuster Akhanda is presently directing Ustaad Ram Pothineni in a mass action entertainer #BoyapatiRAPO. Boyapati is...