'Yamudu' to be made as a thriller drama 'Yamudu' is the title of a high-stakes thriller written, directed and produced by Jagadeesh Amanchi. Jagannada Pictures...
Vyuham, based on the political situation in Andhra Pradesh, juggling between the malicious narratives of politicians is up for its release soon. The film...
After superhit Naandhi, Allari Naresh and Vijay Kanakamedala are working together for Ugram. The film is said to be another unique and intense movie....
Producers Sahu Garapati and Harish Peddi of Shine Screens recently launched NBK108, starring Balakrishna and directed by Anil Ravipudi. They have now announced the...
God Of Masses Natasimha Nandamuri Balakrishna and successful director Anil Ravipudi’s crazy project #NBK108, to be produced prestigiously by Sahu Garapati and Harish Peddi...