Vidudala 2, which highlights Vijay Sethupathi’s performance, is a much-awaited sequel. The Telugu release rights for this film have been acquired by the renowned...
The highly anticipated dark thriller Train, starring Vijay Sethupathi, is nearing the final stages of production. Despite significant progress, the film’s shooting is not...
Following the tremendous success of director Vetrimaaran’s Vidudala Part 1, expectations for the sequel have reached new heights. The blockbuster debut of the first...
For the village action drama Vaadivaasal, which was announced several months ago, actor Suriya and director Vetrimaaran have paired up. The film has regained...
With Shah Rukh Khan’s Jawan, Atlee successfully reestablished himself in Bollywood after dominating South Indian cinema. The action movie, which debuted on September 7,...
Actress Aaliyah Qureishi, who’s already making waves for sharing screen with King Khan himself in Jawan, gets candid with The Pioneer sharing about getting...
Ahead of the most-anticipated film Jawan hitting theaters today, The Pioneer connects with actress Priyamani, who once again collabs with King Khan after 10...