The unit of director A. R. Mohan’s Itlu Maredumilli Prajaneekam, featuring Telugu actor Allari Naresh in the lead, has released the theatrical trailer of the film. Interestingly, the entire unit of the film, including actor Allari Naresh, chose to release the trailer at Maredumilli, a scenic village in the Alluri Sitarama Raju district of Andhra Pradesh.
Itlu Maredumulli Prajaneekam will be a remarkably different film in the career of Allari Naresh, who plays a government officer visiting the tribal area as an election officer.
The trailer shows a government official, along with his team reaching Maredumilli, which is in a remote place in the hills, to conduct elections there. The entire state is awaiting the elections. Under these circumstances, the government officer gets to know the actual problems of the people over there.
He realises that they don’t have access to even basic amenities and gets to know that people there even pay with their lives. Politicians, governments and government servants don’t care about them.
It is at this point that the electoral officer comes forward to help them. However, middlemen, politicians and government officials are irked when they realise that somebody is offering a helping hand to the people. Needless to say, the electoral officer begins to face heat from political leaders and police officials.
A.R. Mohan has picked a strong subject for his directorial debut. It’s a tailor-made character for Allari Naresh. Anandhi plays the leading lady, while Vennela Kishore and Praveen provide comic relief.
The film is scheduled to hit screens on November 25 this year. Balaji Gutta is the co-producer of the movie, Brahma Kadali is the art director and Chota K. Prasad is the editor.
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